Another picture of the new ebike pegs that we're having manufactured. Manufacturing is complete now and these are samples that are being reviewed for quality control. Provided there aren't any issues found with the samples or the shipment, these will be shipped to us towards the end of next week and we should have more inventory available before the end of the year!
Another picture below from the factory manufacturing more ebike pegs for us. You can see they are taking shape and look just about ready. The threading still needs to be drilled out and then they'll be cleaned up and ready to go. There was a slight delay (as is common, especially during COVID) but if they're finished up in the next week or two there's a strong chance they'll still be here before the end of November.
We sold out of all our ebike pegs in August this year, and are having more made as we speak. This is a picture of the raw pegs before they've been refined and cut to our requirements.
Manufacturing progress continues and they'll hopefully be finished by the end of this month and available again for sale early next month. We're always a fan of innovation here at Companion Bike Seat, especially when that innovation involves building on top of our bike seats to further expand the functionality of your bicycle. One of our customers recently sent us these pictures of a custom tow-hitch he made for his bike seat, that allows him to tow a dolly behind his bicycle. It comes complete with a swivel so that turning while in-tow doesn't cause any issues.
Really goes to show how ripe the bicycle is for innovation, in enabling it to truly transform the way we transport ourselves around our world as our cities continue to grow more and more congested with people, cars, scooters, you name it. Electric scooters are great alternative to driving (albeit still pretty dangerous in a lot of situations) but they lack the benefit of exercise that you get from a good old fashioned bike ride. Great news! Companion Bike Seats are now compatible with thru-axle bicycles! There's a new product on the market that makes it possible to convert thru-axles to solid axles to allow pegs to be installed onto the rear axle.
It's called: Atomlab Bolt-on Axle Adapter, and they're available now on Amazon. These convert 12mm thru-axles to 10mm solid axle ends, perfect for the pegs that come included with our bike seats. Now Companion Bike Seats are compatible with even more bicycles! A customer of ours recently started making rubber shims for our bike seats that raise the frame up off of the pegs. This is extra useful for fatbikes with tires that are 4.5 inches and larger, providing additional clearance underneath the storage compartment. They're available for purchase directly from the Dragonfly website. One of the most common bikes we've run into for these is the Sondors Original and Sondors X bikes, both with 4.9 inch tires. Dragonfly makes these rubber shims in two different sizes, 10mm and 19mm. All of the pictures included are on the Sondors Original ebike, using the 10mm size shims.
This is very exciting for us that Dragonfly is making these shims available. We first ran into the problem in the summer of 2016 in Reno NV while dropping off bike seat orders to folks heading to Burning Man. I came up with a work-around solution using commonly available parts from a hardware store (separate blog post here on our website) that worked, but was 100% DIY and not ideal. Now these shims manufactured specifically for use with Companion Bike Seats are readily available online! Super cool ... thanks Simon!
A recent customer of ours created a customized security device for his Companion Bike Seat, installing it into the storage compartment. It's a vibration sensitive audio alarm to try and scare away potential thieves, and also includes a GPS tracking device just in case they're undeterred by the alarm and are able to successfully steal the bicycle and bike seat. Here's the description he provided of his crafty alarm and tracking device:
_______ Hi again! An update on our previous conversation. Since you were interested on a security measure for the backseat. I installed a magnet held: battery pack/vibration sensitive alarm/GPS tracker into the box. They all use those small light STRONG magnet name-tags (from employees at stores like Target, Best Buy, etc.) to stay connected to the walls of the storage box. After all 3 items were installed, they really didn't take up much space, as you can see, the U-lock still has plenty of space to hold more chains or other locks. Btw, those small holes drilled into the sides of the box were to allow the sound to come out louder. After much testing, there was a huge difference when the box was completely open to when it's locked close. Those holes helped a bit. My friends thought I went a little overboard with the GPS locator, but I think it's worth it to protect my investment. ________ Love the ingenuity, and don't think he went overboard at all. Maybe we'll turn this into a product some day! Sondors recently released some additional customization options and upgrades for their fat bike ebikes, one of which is even larger tires (4.9 inches). Unfortunately this causes the tire to rub (very lightly) up against the bottom of the storage compartment of the bike seat. But not to worry, I figured out a way to cheaply make some heavy rubber shims from stuff at the hardware store to lift the bike seat frame up off the peg a couple millimeters, giving the bike seat enough clearance for the tires. This will of course also work for non motorized fat bikes as well as some 29'ers. At the hardware store, you'll need to pick up a piece of 2 inch outer diameter / 1.5 inch inner diameter braided vinyl tubing, and 4 socket cap screws (M6x1.0, 30mm long). With a utility knife, cut a strip approximately 15mm wide from one end of the tubing. Slice the tubing down the sides to make the shims. Each shim should be about an inch long. We want it to provide the clearance, but not interfere with the screws at all when installing them. You'll ultimately need two of these shims, one for each peg. Once the shims are done, it's time to install it onto the pegs. Install the pegs onto the bike, and as you set the bike seat frame onto the pegs, position one shim under each "leg" of the bike seat. Make sure the shim is positioned directly on top of the peg. Use the longer screws that you purchased with the tubing to tighten the peg clamps down. The screws included with your bike seat are just a bit too short. Make sure the frame is seated cleanly on the shim (the shim isn't crooked or anything), and tighten the screws very tight. Note in the pictures below, I purposefully left it a little loose for exhibition of assembly. I actually came up with this fix while on the road trip in Reno, while installing a bike seat onto a customers Sondors before he headed out to the playa. Unfortunately we forgot to take pictures after getting the bike seat installed, so I shot the pictures above in the hotel room.
Alternatively, another customer with the same issue decided to use one of some extra rubber shims he had gotten with his Sondors, shims originally intended for mounting the screen onto the handlebar. Very soon I'm going to start working on designing a custom shim specifically for Companion Bike Seat, and will make this available on our website once it's ready. We had several orders from people planning to take their bike seat out onto the playa this year. Unfortunately the bike seats were scheduled to arrive at the fulfillment center without enough time for shipping before people left. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I already had plans to meet the new shipment when it arrived at the fulfillment center in Phoenix, since this is a new partner and it's always great to meet business partners face-to-face. In order to get bike seat orders out to folks heading to the playa, I filled up a minivan in Phoenix and road tripped north to meet them in Reno to give them their bike seats. The new inventory arrived safely at the new distribution center on Friday of last week and I was able to review it all on Monday after arriving in Phoenix late Sunday night. The shipment looked great and all back-orders have been shipped out this week. I met with the team managing fulfillment now and they're good people and will take care of Companion Bike Seat well. It was pretty exciting to see the rows and rows of new bike seats (and backrests and ebike pegs) ready to ship out!
All in all it's been a pretty exhausting road trip after covering over 1500 miles of a 1700+ mile road trip, but well worth it at the end of the day. Most of our bike seat sales occur online today, so I get very few opportunities to meet with customers face to face, and this road trip has been awesome for that. Plus, bike seat orders are flowing again!
November 2020
![]() Remember, ALWAYS wear a HELMET!